9 September 2013

The Importance Of Shipping Area In Malaysia

The importance of shipping area are first, it been conduit between sea and land transport where goods and passengers are loaded and unloaded. Supplier from United States of America will deliver the raw material use road transport and go on to water transport. Through the ship, the raw material will go to Malaysia to loading and unloading the shipment.

Second important is foreign investors. Economic of Malaysia can be growth with entry of foreign investors. Economic growth is attributed to its border with the Strait of Malacca which is an important international shipping crossroad, which promotes the country’s international trade. High levels of foreign and domestic private investment played a significant role as the economy diversified and modernized. The central bank maintains healthy foreign exchange reserves and its well-developed regulatory regime have limited Malaysia's exposure to riskier financial instruments and the global financial crisis.

Other than that, progress of local development in Port Klang, PTP or any other ports that help increased the employment sector. Port Klang as the country's premier and largest seaport. Serving the Klang valley which is the most well-developed and industrialized region in Malaysia. Due to its strategic location, it has been designated as the load center for both local and regional containers in an attempt to generate critical mas  at one port to make it an attractive destination for main line operates. Port Klang need many employers to arrange the loading and unloading and others activity in port so that no delay happen.

Otherwise, Malaysian ringgit will rising and be stronger also be important in shipping industry. It is because have import and export goods from Malaysia to other country and other country to Malaysia. Since the Asian financial crisis, Malaysia’s current account balance has consistently recorded a surplus.  Exports of goods have outpaced imports, and have more than offset the deficit in the services and income accounts. The strong performance of Malaysia’s exports was due, in large part, to the broad diversification of products and the expansion of trade in new markets. In particular, commodity exports, which have low import content, played an important role in contributing to the increase in the current account surplus. In line with rising commodity prices in 2008, the current account surplus peaked at 17.6% of GNI in 2008.

Another important of shipping area in Malaysia is increasing the International Trade of Malaysia. Importance of the Port Industry for Malaysia Malaysia is one of the powerful nations in the SE Asia region, a member of the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle, with aspirations to become a developed country by 2020. The Malaysian economy is based on the export trade of manufactured products, raw materials and petrochemicals. In fact it is placed 13th globally in terms of export quantity. At the same time, Malaysia is an oceanic state, situated next to a major waterway that connects Asia with the west coast of the US and simultaneously with the Middle East and Europe. The importance of sea freight transport and the port industry for this kind of economy is self-evident and it is no surprise that 90% of the total international trade is conducted by sea. The additional opportunity for Malaysian ports of serving as transshipment hubs make them highly valuable assets. Their significance is summarized by the Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir in his speech for the IAPH's World Port Conference in. 


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